Friday, January 28, 2011

Can't wait to get goin but not quite ready to leave

As I sit contemplating what to write my first blog about it it occurs to me that I have no business writing a blog!! I will just apologize now for all of the time you will waste reading this crap and get that out of the way.  I am also sure I will never get back the hours I spend writing it, as the perfectionist in me will probably edit this sentence alone 4 times. But as I usually do after I realize an idea I have is a bad one, I will continue to go through with it.  I’m just committed like that. Lets set some expectations. Don’t expect a a boring update of what I am doing every week, lets all be honest, no one actually cares.  Do expect many epiphanies, stories of things that I find funny, and a multitude of other random thoughts that may or may not have any semblance of order. Such as the following: I decided it would be fun to add a song of the blog for every post.  It is my go to cop-out when i cant figure out how to say what i want to say.  I can always find a song that can; or at least that's what Brad Paisley says... I guess that means I have to pick one. Okay, today's isssss [grabs a beer to get the creative juices flowing]… American Honey: Lady Antebellum. Because I can’t wait to get goin but not quite ready to leave : )


  1. Loving the title pun...I miss you and you're not even gone (is that from a movie?)
