Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back to Business.

Alright so here the thing. I mean I’ve never been a bad student per say.  Call me lazy and I just might rip your head off. Generally I like to refer to myself as efficient.  As honoring those that invented less time cost and energy consuming methods of accomplishing the same task. This applies for things such as elevators vs stairs, fast food vs sit down restaurant and the like.   However, I’m not sure what they put in the water over here but I’ve like been doing ALL of my school work. I know, what your thinking, what has happened to Gabby, she rarely buys her books let alone reads them! I feel like I may be condemning myself to those reading this they may have thought “Not Gabby, she is perfect!” You know who you are, and you should get your brain checked but that’s a side note.  I guess what it boils down to is three things 1 I’m paying an astronomical amount to be in these classes 2 I have nothing better to do 3 This is the last month that I will ever sit in a classroom, these classrooms specifically that are asking me to learn interesting subjects that I know nothing about.  So I thought I’d blog about it, since you want to know what I am up to and honestly my life has been slightlyyy boring this week as the semester starts boiling down. Lots of papers to write, chapters to read, material to review, and strings to strum (haha oh guitar you make me laugh).  Just to redeem myself slightly I will be graduating with honors, so I must’ve been doing something right ; )  Oh and lest I forget, I may be doing all of my work and going to… most… of my lectures but I am still a master craftsman at the art of avoiding this.  I have never ran, cooked, or cleaned more in my life! 

Dont worry I still have friends, and hang out with them... Here's some proof:
 Cinco De Mayo Fiesta!
 Gina's 21st!

"I felt the pain of compromise deep inside
I’ve known the tention of a heart divided
I’ve tasted and ive seen your good
And now I am ruined for less than all you have for me"
-A life thats worthy

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